Friday, February 14
11:00am to 4:00pmThis Friday is your chance to DIY a Shabbat dinner! Gather your friends and host Shabbat your way! Hillel will provide the Shabbat essentials you need (candles, challah, grape juice, a blessings sheet and a "Taste of Torah" for some conversation starters) and will reimburse you $10 per person for dinner at your DIY Shabbat. Order dinner from your favorite spot on the Ave or cook up your favorite dish, the possibilities are endless!
Only one person who's attending your Shabbat needs to sign up.
Following your DIY Shabbat, you will need to fill out a separate Google Form to submit the names/information of everyone who attended your Shabbat, pics from your dinner, and your receipt. The Google form will be sent out Tuesday, February 18th after DIY Shabbat.
**To receive funding for DIY Shabbat, someone from your Shabbat group must pick up your Shabbat essentials from Hillel. Pick up for Shabbat essentials will be on Friday, February 14th from 11:00am-4:00pm.**
Reach out to Ellie if you have any questions! ellie@hilleluw.org