Rabbi Lauren is a rabbi rooted in Jewish tradition and practice who welcomes all kinds of Jewish. She believes deeply in Jewish belonging, Jewish community, and Jewish joy.
Reach out to Rabbi Lauren if you:
- Are looking for pastoral care;
- Have questions about Judaism, Jewish life, texts, or ritual;
- Want to talk about how to integrate more Jewish ritual and spirituality in your life;
- Want to study Torah or delve more deeply into a specific Jewish text;
- Want to learn to lead Shabbat blessings, lead Havdalah, blow the shofar, or participate more fully in other Jewish rituals;
- Want to hang a mezuzah in your dorm room or apartment;
- Are looking to get more involved in the Jewish community outside of Hillel UW, perhaps by teaching religious school or attending a local synagogue;
- Are thinking about what you want your Jewish life to look like post-college;
- Were not raised Jewish and have questions about Judaism and Jewish practice.
You can reach her at rabbikurland@hilleluw.org or set up a time to meet.